Call for communications

The Abstract Submission Form is available !​

Abstract for oral and poster session can be submitted until May 12th 2023.
Poster session is organized only on site – not in virtual session
A special issue will be published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects which is an international journal devoted to the science underlying applications of colloids and interfacial phenomena.
More information about the scope, standards and publication criteria of the journal can be found online at

Abstracts submission guidelines

Oral communication ( OC) : 15 min with questions
Poster (PC): dimensions A0 max (841 mm width x 1189 mm) – (Portrait format)
Abstract should not exceed 4000 characters including space.
The working language at the conference is English and all contributions must be submitted in English.


Formulation & Energy
Formulation & Climate
Formulation & Sustainability
Formulation & Artificial intelligence
Formulation & Life sciences
Formulation & Physicochemistry